Saturday, April 11, 2015

Week One

As previously stated, Evelyn, you came out a little angry at the world. High needs baby? Just a touch. Colicky? Maybe.

We had latch issues, reflux issues, nap issues, and just about every other "issue" you can imagine. I had my hands full. I thought I had practiced enough, read enough, prepared enough, but nothing could have prepared me for the emotion of bringing you home. I was a mess!

At five days old, you weighed 8 lbs. 6 oz. (not quite back to birth weight of 8-13) and were in the 84th percentile. By two weeks old, you weighed 9 lbs. 3 oz. and were in the 86th percentile.

Here's your precious little self all ready to take on the world!

I didn't realize when this photo was taken that you were smiling, but I see it now that I know what you look like when you smile!

And just like that...back to your natural state at this age.

Can't wait to see what you'll do next...maybe a nap or two first?

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